‘Wear It Purple Day’ is an annual LGBTIQA+ awareness day especially for young people, based in Australia. Supporters wear purple to celebrate diversity and young people from the LGBTIQA+ community. The theme for Wear It Purple 2021 on 27 August, is Start The Conversation, and it is all about the importance of conversations around sexual orientation, gender identity, personal pronouns and inclusive language. So give it a go and wear some purple today! Here, we ask our team member from The Star, Khoi Le the importance of this initiative.
What does Wear It Purple Day mean to you?

It’s one of many significant days during the year that I wish we had when I was growing up. An initiative that I hope is implemented more and becomes integral in all spaces to raise awareness and opportunity to provide the necessary guidance and support especially to our younger peers. Wear It Purple Day provides resources to help create a safer space and it’s important to be a part of this process to ‘give back to the community’. That’s why it’s important to me.
Why do you believe it is important to raise awareness about sexuality, sex and gender identity?
Education is key. The more knowledge and understanding you have, the better we can all work together to live and work harmoniously.
In your opinion, how does The Star best raise LGBTQIA+ awareness and practice inclusivity?
The Star gives each and every single individual a voice, let’s us be heard and integrates what it means to be inclusive in the workspace, an ally or a member of the community by means of company policies, LMS courses and having a well led committee “Proud @ The Star”. The Star also part takes in major events and external LGBTQIA+ organisations to continue leading the way and being proud of its engagement to bring awareness and inclusivity.
In your opinion, what makes a good ally to members of LGBTQIA+ communities?
Being a good ally to members of the LGBTQIA+ community means you are committed to a process of learning, listening, and giving us the support or voice needed to amplify what we strive for and to genuinely use this to help the community create a safe space. Support us to build more stronger relationships with each other, access to resources, acceptance, and opportunities.
What is your favourite/most proud milestone Proud @ The Star has achieved since being part of the working group?
One of my most proud milestones Proud @ The Star has achieved since being part of the working group was the day George and I found a common ground – playing for an inclusive Rugby Club as part of the IGR (International Gay Rugby Community) and that the committee was willing to support my Rugby Club being The Sydney Convicts through a social event. This is significant and so important to me as it was a club where I found my tribe and where I really opened up as an individual. To have The Star support my external advocacy with The Sydney Convicts RUFC was the cherry on top.
Where do you suggest one go/access/look up for more information about inclusive language and LGBTQIA+ communities?
ACON, Reach Out, Headspace and Twenty10 would be a great start to seeking resources, health or social support, and advice during tough times. If you have a friend or family member who is part of the community/ally, this can also be a safe place to start the conversation.
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